Aironge s.r.o. – Ulrich Dembinski
Anenská 546/8
460 07 Liberec
These websites and the information provided on them are always carefully checked and regularly
updated. However, we cannot guarantee that the information is complete, correct or up to date.
This primarily includes direct or indirect links to other websites. Despite careful content control,
we assume no liability for the content of external links.
The operators themselves are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. If you have
any suggestions for our website, or if you find an error, please send us an email.
No warning without previous contact!
We have tried very hard to create this website in accordance with all legal regulations. Should
someone nevertheless notice that something important is missing here, that third-party rights
are violated, legal provisions have not been fully implemented, or competition law problems
could arise – with reference to Section 12 (1) UWG – I ask for a quick, free and adequately
explanatory note.
We guarantee that the rightly objected passages or parts of this website will be removed within a
reasonable period or adapted to the legal requirements without the need for the involvement of
a lawyer on your part. The involvement of a lawyer to warn the website operator, which is
subject to a fee, does not correspond to his or her real or presumed will, and would therefore
constitute a violation of Section 8 (4) UWG due to the pursuit of irrelevant goals as the dominant
motive for initiating proceedings, in particular an intention to achieve costs as the actual driving
force, as well as a violation represent against the duty to mitigate damage.